Get Your Bio-Survey Today! Introductory Offer: $30 Have you ever found it difficult to decide which nutritional supplements you should be taking? Paradisus Oasis Wellness Center & Spa proudly announces the addition of a new technology into our menu of services - the Compass System by ZYTO technology. The ZYTO technology facilitates Bio-Communication by allowing a conversation to take place between a computer and a human body. This process is called a bio-survey. The Compass System combines
ZYTO technology measures the fluctuations in the energy patterns of the skin. The energetic field processes 400 million impulses of information per second. The primary feedback mechanism is called GSR or Galvanic Skin Response. When you place your hand on the Compass hand cradle, the ZYTO software sends stimuli to the body using digital signatures representative of various alternatives like nutritional supplements. Each stimulus creates a unique GSR response, which the ZYTO software measures and analyzes. It’s like asking the body questions about nutritional products and listening to its answers. Each response is ranked according to the body’s product preference. Armed with this new information, you will feel more positive about the products you purchase and use. Health professionals using ZYTO technology have performed hundreds of thousands of assessments worldwide and report excellent results. A recent hospital study showed a high correlation between the information provided by ZYTO’s technology and the recommendations made by attending physicians. A bio-survey is not a diagnostic tool and is not intended to identify or treat a disease. The closest clinical comparison is a health history. Gathering this information may involve the use of a clipboard, a printed form, and a pen. These are not medical devices, but the information acquired can have significant clinical value. ZYTO’s technology has been reviewed by Underwriters Laboratory (UL), an approved FDA consultant along with legal experts who determined that it does not qualify as a medical device and therefore does not require FDA registration. If you are concerned about your nutritional health, take five minutes today to have a bio-survey! Call (337)-289-9349
Note: All prices in US Dollars