ARE YOU EXPERIENCING ANY OF THESE?ALLERGIES ARTHRITIS ANXIETYBACK PAIN CONSTIPATIONDEPRESSION DIARRHEADIGESTIVE DISORDERS FIBROMYALGIAACID REFLUX GAS & BLOATINGHEADACHES HIGH BLOOD PRESSUREHYPOGLYCEMIAIMMUNE PROBLEMS INSOMNIAMETABOLIC SYNDROMESHOULDER PROBLEMS SPRAINSParadisus Oasis Wellness Center would like to introduce an important new service, Wellness Therapy Evaluations, to our present extensive list of services. This is designed to address the underlying causes of your current physical ailments/symptoms that may be disrupting your daily life leaving you with pain, illness, or other discomforts such as those listed above. This service provides a fast, easy, safe, reliable and scientifically acceptable screening procedure. It consists of an organized, step-by-step procedure for identifying the real causes of your health challenges. Cost: $40 per hour due upon completion assessment analysis (average cost $80-$120) Service Includes:
The evaluation consists of enzyme and nutritional therapy. The role of this evaluation is not to treat disease symptoms but to prevent them. In other words, the goal is to recognize functional challenges to homeostasis (normal function) and remove them before they become structural changes. One of the strongest stimuli applied to the human body, on a continuing basis, is the food and drink that is put into it. Dietary imbalances and the body's ability to digest, absorb, transport, and utilize nutrients, in addition to the elimination of waste, is THE MOST OVERLOOKED aspect of the healing arts today. There is NO medical diagnosis made nor will there be any treatment recommendations provided for any specific medical condition. Consultations with your primary health practitioner for diagnosis and treatment of those specific medical conditions or illnesses are recommended. The goal for adding this service is to assist each person by educating them about how to be a student/seeker of their own health. Through simple dietary changes, optimal health and well-being can be achieved.
Note: All prices in US Dollars